The first step of many...

Thrown together by fate our merry little band sat pondering a few months ago on how to put ourselves out there to raise money for charity... We wanted to make some good in the world, so naturally we thought "Perhaps we could tame alligators?" I said - however Catherine pointed out that sadly crocodile taming was not in mine, nor any other of the group's abilities... We had no hidden crocodile dundee.

One person piped up with cake sale... however we stared down at our ever expanding waistlines (a sad side effect of office life) and realised that we couldn't just rely on calories - we would need to be a little more creative, both to push the boat out for charity and to avoid becoming "the blob".

As we stared into a vision came to us. Perhaps it was a prophecy. Perhaps it was just too little sleep in the opening weeks of our new job... But regardless it was a sign.
So we decided to go and battle our willpower. *hooray*.

A bit about us:
We are a happy group of 7 - Matt, Catherine, Darren, Magda, Charlotte, Chloe and Hamish, a band of civil servants from across departments united in looking to make the UK a better place.

We will be, in one go, each doing a ten hour hike at various locations across the country, destroying our legs for the sake of raising money for the charity IRMO. You'll hear more about them in our next blog post, and the other work we are doing with them, but it stands for Indo-American Refugee and Migrant Organisation. They supports families moving to this country to build fulfilled, independent and integrated lives, through education, training, employment, advice and wellbeing.

Even if that doesn't move your heart think about it this way - after certain events that will be happening in 2019 we will be needing everyone able to stop this ship from sinking.

So with the aim of raising £1500 for this amazing charity, we will be climbing a large number of hilly hills, daley dales and long vales, and will be looking for your support! On here we will be updating on our training, preparation, other fundraising and activities for our chosen charity. So please donate, and keep an eye on the blog for future posts!
